Ruach: Life-giving breath of God

Ruach is 4 years old and was born with Cystic Fibrosis. He is eligable for Trikafta but it is not available in South Africa.

A generic, Trixacar is available, and we will need to raise R200 000 to make this medication sustainable for him.

According to research, he can have a life without the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis if he starts using Trixacar as soon as possible.

His medical aid will reimburse the money, once we have raised the target amount and then it will be used to buy his next batch. He will need this medication life long.

We wish for Ruach to have many more breaths and years added to his life.

A donation as little as R200 per month could make this sustainable for him, but a once off donation is also very helpful so that he can start on the medication as soon as possible.

Thank you for sharing our cause and doing something remarkable for this explorer!

For more information about our cause and projects please e-mail:

Raised to date: R 256 527.39

Amount for a once-off donation can be adjusted:

For monthly donations towards project RuachB019


  1. Geloof, Hoop & Liefde… Ruach jy is in tannie se gebede.

  2. Ons bid vir julle Leon en ons bid dat die medisyne spoedig in S A beskikbaar sal wees. Ons skenk graag R5000 vir jul projek. R2500 vir Breathtaking Fundraising maar vir hierdie spesifieke doel om die medisyne vir Ruach te kry en R2500 hier om te help om daarvoor te betaal. Baie sterkte vir julle

    1. Baie dankie James Stoffberg vir jul ruimhartige bydraes. Dit maak ‘n reuse verskil in pasiente se lewe. Vriendelike groete Breathtaking span

  3. Aan almal wat bygedra het – baie baie dankie. Ons is ongelooflik dankbaar vir julle bydraes, jul harte en gebede. Dankie dat julle help dat Ruach nog meer voluit vir die Een wat hom asemgee kan leef!

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