Meet Ben from Wellington, South Africa
Meet Ben.
He is in Grade 8 this year and coping with health and school together has been the most difficult year for him.
He was unable to complete his third term exam completely due to frequent severe stomach pains, sinus infections, and lung infections.
He is on average about two to three days a week in school, constantly feels tired and sleeps most of the time after school due to the symptoms of Cystic Fibrosis.
Ben likes to play the guitar and it is a big frustration for him that his hands are always sweating when he wants to play.
The multitude of medications that Ben has to take daily is especially a challenge for him and it is extremely time consuming.
His family and friends have raised sufficient money for Trixacar that would last him 3 months.
He needs to be on this medication life long and once medication is paid for, his medical aid will reimburse the money to him.
This money will then be used to buy his next batch of chronic medication.
Trixacar is the generic of Trikafta (the most effective treatment for Cystic Fibrosis) and only available if collected in person from a pharmacy in Argentina.
Breathtaking Fundraising NPC have identified a volunteer who will be able to collect the medication.
Please share our Project with your social network and Let’s get Ben the medication he needs as soon as possible.
Fundraising Target: R65 000