Leave A Gift In Your Will

Leave a Gift In Your Will

Your legacy:

Legacies are one of our most critical sources of long-term funding for Breathtaking Fundraising NPC, enabling us to plan for patients living with Cystic fibrosis future needs.

Preparing a will is a very personal and confidential exercise, and naturally you would use your will to benefit your family and loved ones first. However, you may also wish to consider including a charitable bequest to an institution that you have supported during your lifetime, or one that is close to your heart.

For more information, please contact us: mare@breathtakingfundraising.co.za


Why leave a gift in your will?

It’s a common misconception that only wealthy people leave money in their will to charity when they pass away. The reality is that most charitable bequests are made by ordinary people who want to make a positive difference after they’re gone, after first taking care of their loved ones.

So whoever you are, whatever your situation, isn’t it good to know that you can help sick and vulnerable children and adults living with Cystic Fibrosis in South Africa  in your will?


Tax Benefits

Bequests to charitable institutions are also exempt from tax and may lead to savings in the amount of estate duty payable, if your estate amounts to more than R3.5 million. We recommend you consult an attorney to have your will drafted or updated.


What your legacy gift can do

The Breathtaking Fundraising NPC is currently the only non-profit company raising funds to support patients with traveling costs and fundraising for collection of life saving medication called Trixacar.

There is no cure for Cystic fibrosis and this medication can increase the life expectancy of a person with 20 years if they start using it from when they are young.

With your legacy gift we can continue to train volunteers to support patients, provide funding for those in need of treatment and we will be able to put a long term financial plan in place to secure funding for medication for all patients in SA living with Cystic Fibrosis.


How to include a legacy in your will

Creating a will is the only way you can be sure that your wishes will be followed after you pass away.  If you don’t draw up a will, part or all of your estate may end up going to people you never intended it to benefit, because the law will dictate how your estate is distributed.

We recommend that you consult your own professional adviser to have your will drafted or updated. You can use this guide to help you make your will.

Including a charitable gift in your will is very straightforward, and can give you significant estate tax benefits.

You may decide to update your existing will using a codicil. Please select one of the following:

  • Residuary Legacy – A gift of the remainder of your estate, or a percentage, after all other legacies have been made and debts have been cleared.
  • Monetary Legacy – You can also choose to leave a specific sum of money, also known as a pecuniary gift, which you can arrange to be increased in line with inflation.
  • Asset Legacy – This is the gift of something valuable like a property, a piece of jewellery or stocks and shares


Stories told and shared

People from all walks of life tell us that they are leaving a legacy to the Breathtaking Fundraising NPC in their will.

Some because they were parents who lost a child to Cystic Fibrosis at some point in life when there were no medication like Trixacar available, there were no diagnosis or formal testing available and others because they have seen the amazing results this medication has made to people’s lives. Some were people like nurses, physiotherapists and doctors who have stood side by side to a CF warrior and their families – not being able to prescribe any medication or therapy that really addresses the root of the problem.

What stands out, is that nobody wishes to see the suffering of children if it can be eliminated by means of 3 tablets per day. By leaving a gift in your will – you can make a remarkable difference in not just one person’s life, but to a family and a greater community as well.

We would love to hear your story about why cystic fibrosis has a special place in your heart. Please make contact with us at: mare@breathtakingfundraising.co.za

Our promise to you

Should you like to tell us about a gift left in your will, we promise to keep this information in absolute confidence. It will not lead to intrusive communications or assumptions about your future intentions, which may change with time.

We will ensure that whatever the value of your gift, it will achieve its full potential by honouring your wishes.

All donations and gifts made to Breathtaking Fundraising NPC are used entirely for the benefit of the patients, not a cent is used for administration costs.

Breathtaking fundraising NPC is registered as a public benefit organisation (PBO) in terms of section 30 of the Income Tax Act (PBO No 9916206189) and therefore bequests left to the NPC  may be eligible for deduction from the value of the estate when determining estate duty.