Frequently Asked


1. Who is eligable for Trikafta

TRIKAFTA is for people age 4 years and older with at least one F508del mutation or at least one other mutation in the cystic fibrosis (CF) gene that is responsive to TRIKAFTA.

Follow the link below for more information

2. Who can benefit from being a beneficiary at Breathtaking Fundraising NPC?

Anyone living with Cystic Fibrosis and with South African citizenship.

3. Who can register a project for fundraising/raising awareness about CF at Breathtaking Fundraising NPC?

Anyone can raise funds or have a fundraiser- it’s as easy as pie. 


Just follow the instructions on this link.

4. How can I support Breathtaking Fundraising NPC?

Reach out to us at: 


This way we can share some ideas with you and support your Fundraising goals.

5. How can I help to raise awareness?

Order some apparel from us.

Share information about CF and tag us in your posts.

Follow, like and share our social media pages: These links will take you to our Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

We have branded shirts, cycling wear and branded socks.

Anyone can start a fundraiser- it is as easy as pie!

6. How can I become a mission ambassador for Breathtaking Fundraising NPC?

We would like to support, encourage and initiate various initiatives to raise awareness about CF. This is a strategic piece of the puzzle and always needs some strategic guidance.

Don’t worry: we will be there for you all the way!

Reach out to us at: 

We have some awesome goodies and support to share with you!

7. Can I donate my unused medication if I do not live in South Africa?

Yes, please reach out to us at: 

We will ensure it reaches a patient in need and also get all the administration sorted to ensure things are above board and done legally with regards to section 21 medication.

8. What medical aids reimburse Trikafta?


Currently only people on the top 2 plans of Discovery medical aid has access to Trikafta at no extra costs.

Please note: there is a waiting period for new patients/members.

There are a few other medical aids that will consider to pay for Trikafta on an ex-gratia basis but it is best to reach out to us and find out more.


If you don’t have access to Trikafta or if you just want to stay updated via our data basis: please complete the following link:


9. Can one still get Trixacar (generic of Trikafta) from Argentina.

The short answer: yes, but it is much more expensive than the option South Africans have via the access program.

Please reach out to us if you should have specific questions about this at: 

10. Can anyone have access to trikafta and what are the costs? Do you have to be on a specific medical aid?

Some medical aids do cover Trikafta via the access program on an ex-gratia basis. Please enquire about this from us at: 

For individuals who wishes to pay for this themselves- the costs are R400 000 per year and you would need the medication  chronicly.

11. How can I support Breathtaking Fundraising NPC's events if I have Cystic fibrosis and we are not able to join due to cross infection?

Share our events with your own social network and rally your friends to join. Consider making a donation even if you can’t attend or let us know how you would like to assist.


12. How many peope with CF do not have access to modulaters in South Africa.

Currently there are about 400 patients who dont have access to modulators.

We are continuesly working towards our vision of access for all.

Want to take hands with us and support our mission? We are looking for more corporate partners to support our goal of access to modulators for all people living with CF in South Africa. 

13. Why can't people with Cystic Fibrosis be closer than 6 feet to others with the same disease?

People with CF have various bacterial infections that are harmless to others but can be life threatening to another person living with CF. Due to cross infection risk- it is better for people living with CF to refrain from being closer than 6 feet to others with CF.

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