CF Warriors
We have so much love and respect for CF Warriors, and we love to share their stories with you.
There is always hope
The road was rocky and scary at times but today 34 years later I am as healthy as can be. Living life to my fullest with my life partner and 7 year old twins.
My Battle with CF
I have lost many friends and 2 family members to this disease, and I am planning to continue fighting not only for the fallen ones but the family that I have in my life.
Family Schaper Shout-Out
Family Schaper Shout-OutAbout the projectThank you to family Schaper who entrusted Breathtaking Fundraising Npc to collect the medication on their behalf from the pharmacy in Argentina and a big shoutout to Esthe Smith (esthe leather shoes) for donating to this cause....
Bea’s story of hope with Cystic Fibrosis
This is not to say that the journey was not tough and exhausting at times.
It was a journey of faith, and it still is.
Caring for Kayla is an initiative that was started by Kerry, mom to Kayla.
Chantelle’s Story
My name is Chantelle van Wyk and I have cystic fibrosis. I have a 7yr old son. It was extremely hard coping with being “less” of a mom than what I would like to have been for him.
Jaco’s Journey
Jaco used all of his savings and borrowed the money to pay for life-saving medication.
He is doing better already and coughing much less but he urgently needs your support to repay the loan and use the money towards his next batch of medication.
Let’s do this for Janco
We want Janco to live and breathe freely and we want you to be a part of his journey. Read his story here.
Cesare’s Story of Cystic Fibrosis
Ceasar’s liver and kidney functions need to be monitored regularly. For this reason he needs to be on a different medical aid plan – to cover extra medical costs.
Zea found new hope and energy
Zea’s family did not know what was wrong with her until she was diagnosed at the age of 13. Getting access to Trixacar has been a life-changing experience.
Marnus’ story: Living with Cystic Fibrosis
Marnus extremely sick from birth. In 2009 at the age of 14 years drastic actions had to be taken. A feeding tube and Port were his only hope.
Scarlet’s story: Living with CF and new hope
Scarlet has endured so much already and this medication could make a life-changing difference to her health in such a way that she can live a life with easier breathing and less hospitalizations.
Aspiring Abi’s Story of hope
Abi dreams of opening a coffee and bubble tea café where people can relax, enjoy a good cup of coffee. She wants to use the proceeds from the shop to fund medication for people with Cystic Fibrosis.
Super Samuel and Cystic Fibrosis
Samuel is 6 years old, and at the young age of 10 months, Samuel was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.
O2 For Beth Too
Elizabeth was only 2 years old when we came to learn that monthly visits to specialists and regular extended hospital stays would become the norm, nutritious food would never be enough on its own and each breath she would ever take, would be a battle.
Ella’s Story
Ella, a remarkable 10-year-old battling Cystic Fibrosis, has to fight for each and every breath she takes.
Vanna’s Story
Vanna, was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) at the age of 3 months.
Baby Juvan’s story
Baby Juvan has had 5 major surgeries and needs continued treatment for Cystic Fibrosis.
Amazing Myrnalise
Myrnalise’s journey from a determined child to an aspiring lawyer is a testament to the power of perseverance and the unwavering commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.
Dharma Breathes
Let’s show Dharma our support by ordering some really awesome and breathtaking Merchendise from her online store!
Memory Makers raising funds for Cystic Fibrosis
We make small pieces of mixed media art and sell them as gift tags.
Battle to breathe: The Olivier Siblings
Joshua (18) and his sister Mia (15) were both born with Cystic Fibrosis.
Ruach: Life-giving breath of God
Ruach’s name means Life-giving breath of God
Richard’s story of hope
I am Richard Burger and I have a genetic lung disease called Cystic Fibrosis.