My name is Cesare de Villiers and I have Cystic Fibrosis, an inherited genetic disease that attacks the lungs, digestive system, and various other organs. I also have Diabetes and Asperger Syndrome. With the support and care of my family I have been fortunate to reach the age of 42 but medical costs are increasing all the time and the future is uncertain.
Life for CF patients is a daily struggle, one that can be made easier and greatly improve our life expectancy with the use of a drug called Trixacar which is extremely expensive – R104 000 for a month’s supply. Unfortunately, the drug is not available in South Africa.
I do have a generous giver of this medication, however, my liver and kidney functions need to be monitored regularly. For this reason, I need to be on a different medical aid plan – to cover extra medical costs.
In order to receive this life-giving medicine I am appealing to you for assistance in order to receive a drug that I desperately need. A drug I can never hope to receive without help.
My hope is to raise R6000 on a monthly basis to cover medical aid costs and ensure that all the relevant tests can be performed regularly.